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November 2002

Electric Fence and Threads

Electric Fence is an immensely useful library written by Bruce Perens. It uses the standard UNIX memory mapping API to put guard pages on either side of memory allocations, thus causing a segment violation as soon as your code writes where it shouldn't. I made a few small changes to make it possible to use from a preemptively multi-threaded application.

November 2002

Web Browser Plugins

ZooLib's UI code requires only that there be a ZFakeWindow-derivative at the top of the enclosure hierarchy. In the distant past ZooLib included implementations of ZFakeWindow for Mac control panel cdevs, HyperCard XCMD windows, MacroMind Director XObject windows, Zoom closures, MacApp views and of course still does for ZOSWindows.

It was thus relatively straightforward to implement ZFakeWindow_NSPlugin, which translates between the Netscape browser plugin and the ZFakeWindow APIs. What was actually more difficult was finding a decent implementation of the plugin glue code and header files. In 2002 there wasn't anything that would work with current compilers and with current browsers, so most of the effort was in putting together ZNSPlugin, which is a usable implementation of the glue.

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